
Shatru Samhara Homa | Shatru Badha Parihara Puja

Shatru Samhara Homa is a performed as a Parihara Puja to seek the benevolence and protection of Lord Subrahmanya in his ferocious form with six heads and twelve arms holding weapons of destruction.


  • Victory over Business enemies
  • Success in Business-Life


Shatru Samhara Homa | Shatru Badha Parihara Puja

Perform Shatru Samhara Homa seeking victory over business-enemies, competitors, adversaries and success in business-life.

Shatru Samhara Homa is a performed as a Parihara Puja to seek the benevolence and protection of Lord Subrahmanya in his ferocious form with six heads and twelve arms holding weapons of destruction. He played a major role as Devasenapati in many wars against demons like Taraka, Shurapadma and many more.

Lord Subrahmanya safeguards from enemies, negative forces and harmful entities.

PurePrayer is India’s best online puja platform and an Official Partner for Govt. Of Karnataka for Online Pujas and Sevas bookings in Muzrai Temples. PurePrayer offers best Pandits in Bangalore services for your home and office Puja needs.

What are Shatru Baadha Parihara Pujas?

Shatru Baadha Parihara Pujas are aimed at overcoming the tormenting troubles thrust upon by the unseen adversaries or business enemies in the path of development or success. Problems in the business-chain, rift between the partners, stakeholders, distrust among the board-members may be termed as the Shatru Badha.

Subrahmanya Homam as Shatru Baadha Parihara Puja

Subrahmanya Homam is performed as a Shatru Badha Parihara Puja to yield big results. “Shatru Badha” implies problems, obstacles, tormenting troubles cooked up by the unseen adversaries, enemies in corporate-world, business or industry. These Pujas can result in ‘Shatru Samhara’ meaning, weakening or vanquishing the enemy.

Those with problems from adversaries, competitors, enemies in business are advised to perform Subrahmanya Homam, as a Shatru Badha Puja and witness very positive changes.

Benefits of Shatru Samhara Homam

  • Victory over Business enemies
  • Success in Business-Life

Lord Subramanya or Murugan

Skanda Purana dedicated to the birth of Lord Subramanya (Murugan), provides the detailed account of birth of Murugan, the defeat of Soorapadman and many other related events. Kartikeya, Saravana, Shanmuga, Skanda, Kumaraswamy, Senthil, Subramanya, Velayudhan are some of the names, Murugan is popularly known.

Soorapadman, Simhamukha and Tarakasura were the sons of the Sage Kashyapa and Surasa. Soorapadman did a very long penance to Lord Shiva. He sought a boon that no one except Shiva’s offspring, born without shiva’s union with Parvati, in any nature, could either kill or defeat him. Kartikeya was born from the third eye on the forehead and became the commander of the army that fought with the demons that led to the removal of demons.

Sri Subrahmanya Stotram

||  षड्वक्त्रं शिखिवाहनं त्रिनयनं चित्रांबरालंक्तं |
| शक्तिं वज्रमथो त्रिशूलमभयं खेटं धनुः स्वस्तिकम्  |
| पाशं कुक्कुटमङ्कुशं च वरदं हस्तैर्दधानं सदा |
| ध्यायेदीप्सितसिद्धिदं शिवसुतं स्कंदं सुराराधितम् |
| सुब्रह्मण्यं प्रणमाम्यहं सर्वज्ञः सर्वदा सदा |
| अभीष्टफल सिद्ध्यर्थं प्रवक्श्ये नाम षोडशम् ||

|| ಷಡ್ವಕ್ತ್ರಂ ಶಿಖಿವಾಹನಂ ತ್ರಿನಯನಂ ಚಿತ್ರಾಂಬರಾಲಂಕೃತಂ |
| ಶಕ್ತಿಂ ವಜ್ರಮಥೋ ತ್ರಿಶೂಲಮಭಯಂ ಖೇಟಂ ಧನುಃ ಸ್ವಸ್ತಿಕಮ್ |
| ಪಾಶಂ ಕುಕ್ಕುಟಮಙ್ಕುಶಂ ಚ ವರದಂ ಹಸ್ತೈರ್ದಧಾನಂ ಸದಾ |
| ಧ್ಯಾಯೇದೀಪ್ಸಿತಸಿದ್ಧಿದಂ ಶಿವಸುತಂ ಸ್ಕಂದಂ ಸುರಾರಾಧಿತಮ್ |
| ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯಂ ಪ್ರಣಮಾಮ್ಯಹಂ ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞಃ ಸರ್ವದಾ ಸದಾ |
| ಅಭೀಷ್ಟಫಲ ಸಿದ್ಧ್ಯರ್ಥಂ ಪ್ರವಕ್ಶ್ಯೆ ನಾಮ ಷೋಡಶಮ್ ||

|| ShaDvaktraM SiKivAhanaM trinayanaM citrAMbarAlaMkRutaM |
| SaktiM vajramathO triSUlamabhayaM KETaM dhanuH svastikam |
| pASaM kukkuTama~gkuSaM ca varadaM hastairdadhAnaM sadA |
| dhyAyEdIpsitasiddhidaM SivasutaM skaMdaM surArAdhitam |
| subrahmaNyaM praNamAmyahaM sarvaj~jaH sarvadA sadA |
| aBIShTaPala siddhyarthaM pravakshye nAma ShODaSam ||

Sri Subrahmanya Moola Mantra 

|| ओं श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं ईं नं ळं सौः शरवणभव ||

|| ಓಂ ಶ್ರೀಂ ಹ್ರೀಂ ಕ್ಲೀಂ ಐಂ ಈಂ ನಂ ಳಂ ಸೌಃ ಶರವಣಭವ ||

|| OM SrIM hrIM klIM aiM IM naM LaM sauH SaravaNaBava ||

Kshetras for performing Shatru Samhara Homa

Shatru Samhara Homa | Gokarna Kshetra

Performing Shatru Samhara Homa at Gokarna Kshetra can be highly effective due to the presence of Atmalinga of Lord Shiva.

Gokarna Kshetra is a beach-town in the confluence of rivers Gangavalli and Aghanashini in the Kumta taluk of Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka State. This also known as the Bhu-Kailasa, Southern Kashi and Rudrapada-Gaya of India. Gokarna has been a popular destination for performing Pujas and Homas and said to be very effective in nature.

Lord Shiva consecrated by Lord Ganapati here was the Atmalinga given to the demon king Ravan and is popularly known as Mahabaleshwara. The main deity in Mahabaleshwar temple in Gokarna kshetra is Lord Shiva.

Shatru Samhara Homa | Kumbakonam Kshetra

Performing Shatru Samhara Homa at Kumbakonam Kshetra by expert Pandits and Purohits is a potential answer to those facing competition and difficulties in the business-work life.

Temple-Town of Kumbakonam and its neighbouring villages on the banks of River Kaveri (Cauvery) in Tamil Nadu, are world famous for its many ancient temples that were built even before the world developed civilization. Kumbakonam is best known for its Navagraha Sthalams and more than a hundred temples dedicated to many deities mentioned in the Hindu Puranas and other Dharma Granthas.

Please visit or call us on +91 8151002255, WA No: +91 9606036988 to learn more about booking online Pandits/Purohits for all Pujas, Havans and many more.

Perform Shatru Samhara Homa seeking victory over business-enemies, competitors, adversaries and success in business-life.


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