
Naga Pratishthapana | Gokarna | Rameswaram | Udupi

PurePrayer offers the best Vedic Pandits and Purohits to perform Naga Pratishthapana or Naga Pratishte in many Kshetras.


  • Relief from the harsh effects of troubling serpents
  • Remedy to disturbances in family and problems relating to progeny
  • Good fortune, prosperity, and harmony


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Naga Pratishthapana | Gokarna | Rameswaram | Udupi

PurePrayer offers the best Vedic Pandits and Purohits to perform Naga Pratishthapana or Naga Pratishte in many Kshetras like Devipatnam, Rameswaram and Sethukarai in Tamilnadu state. Gokarna and Udupi Sri Kshetra are Kshetras preferred in Karnataka state.

PurePrayer provides multi-lingual Pandit and Purohits, who speak English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali and other languages for Naga Pratishthapana or Naga Pratishte in important Kshetras.

Naga Pratishthapana or Naga Pratishte (ನಾಗ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠೆ) is the Puja procedure consisting of installation of Naaga Shila or image of Naaga in stone in sacred places like Naagabana (Naagvan), Ashwattha tree located near river banks, lakes or waterbodies. Naagabana usually forms the part of a Teertha Kshetra or temples. Nagapratishtha done in Naga bana, Naga Kshetras and temples dedicated to Lord Subrahmanya, Naga and so on are said to yield better results.

Legends mention the entire Indian sub-continent as the ‘Naga Kshetra’.

Naga Pratishte at Sri Vasuki Ananatha Padmanabha Kshetra – Udupi

You can perform Nagapratishte and many other related Pujas like Ashleshabali Puja, Naaga Bali, Sarpa Samskara in the Naagabana of Sri Vasuki Ananatha Padmanabha Kshetra situated in Udupi district. Sri Vasuki Ananta Padmanabha temple is believed to have been founded more than five centuries ago in the then Rajatapeethapura or Raupyapeethapura.

Book And Perform Naga Pratishte with Vedic Pandits from PurePrayer in Udupi Kshetra

Book And Perform Naga Pratishte in Udupi Kshetra

Naga Pratishte at Naagabana – Gokarna Kshetra

You can perform Nagapratishte and many other related Pujas like Ashleshabali Puja, Naaga Bali, Sarpa Samskara in the Naagabana of Gokarna Kshetra. Gokarna is a small temple town on the western coast of India in the Kumta taluk of Uttara Kannada district of the state of Karnataka.

Lord Ganapati has a special divine presence at Gokarna. It was Lord Ganesha, who made Ravana the demon king, give up the Atma Linga of Lord Shiva here. Ravana tried to attack Lord Ganesha, when he put the Atma Linga on the ground, Lord Ganesha turned to stone at Gokarna.

Perform Naga Pratishte with Vedic Pandits from PurePrayer in Gokarna Kshetra

Perform Naga Pratishte in Gokarna Kshetra

Gokarna Kshetra has been a popular destination for performing Pujas and Homas and said to be very effective in nature. Gokarna is also known as the southern Kashi of India and has been popular for Shraddha Pujas such as Narayana bali Puja, Tripindi Shraddha, Thila Homa, Navagraha-purak-aghorastra-puja, Narayan bali, Mrityunjaya Homam, Pind daan, Varshik Shraddh  and many more Pujas performed by local priest families since times immemorial.

What leads to Naga Dosha or Sarpa Dosha?

According to Indian jyothishya shastra (astrology), if any of the ancestors (elders) have knowingly or unknowingly harmed a serpent or snake or destroyed their abode while doing agriculture or building a home, it is bound to attract Sarpa Dosha in the kundali and affect entire family. Sarpa Dosha might manifest in the form of childlessness; not having children (Santana); children suffering from various ailments in their life and many others.

This is referred to as Naga Dosha or Sarpa Dosha in our Kundali.

Our Veda Shastras and astrology also specify parihara pujas that can be performed to rid oneself from these Naga or Sarpa doshas. Such couples can perform a Naga Pratisthapana puja, which involves installation of a Naga idol and performing several pujas over a period of time.

Naga Pratishthapana Procedure

‘Pratishthapana’ is -providing an abode. Hence, Naga Pratisthapana is a procedure which should be performed on a particular day, under the guidance of Vedic Pandits. The process involves consecration of a serpent image carved in stone at a holy place by making offerings. Hence, Naga Pratisthapana becomes an important worship, believed to solve many problems of the performing devotees like continuation of lineage for many generations, peace and harmony in family life and prosperous life.

Place for Naga Pratishthapana

Naga Pratishta consists in the establishment of Naga images made out of stone under the Ashvattha tree on the banks of rivers, lakes or ponds. They are established with the necessary religious rites and ceremonies delineated in scriptures. Those observing this custom of Naga Pratishthapana are successful in getting their wishes granted.

Effects of Naga Pratishthapana

Nagapratishtahapana leads to a strong mind and healthy body to the couple that may help aid conception, health and welfare of the family. The mental attitude is an essential thing for a couple to conception leading to the birth of a healthy child. The couple usually dwell upon the one thought that of conceiving a child. A healthy body that is furnished by the circum-ambulation of the Naga image or images under the sacred tree and also a mind congenial and favourable.

Significance of Naga Pratishthapana

Naaga Pratishthapana is done to clear the Naaga dosha, Rahu dosha, ketu dosha, ancestral curses in the family or lineage, difficulty in conception, general blocks and difficulties of life. The pooja will be done to a Naag Shila specially made for that purpose. Abhishekam and Ashtottara Pooja and many other rituals are observed for the Shila for 48 days.

After the 48th day, the Sarpa Shanti homam, Sarvaarishta homam and Naga Pratishtha are carried out. Relief from Kaala Sarp Dosh.

Benefits of Naga Pratishthapana

  • Relief from the harsh effects of troubling serpents
  • Remedy to disturbances in family and problems relating to progeny
  • Good fortune, prosperity, and harmony

The benefits of performing Naga Pooja are many, including, women without children who worship Sarpa devata are blessed with children. People who are not yet married are blessed with a happy marriage. People with eye and ear problems are cured of their problems.

Other Naga related Pujas by Pureprayer

Ashlesha Bali Pooja

Ashlesha Bali Pooja is a special worship performed seeking protection and relief from Sarpa Dosh, Naga Dosh, Kuja Dosh (Manglik) and Kala Sarpa Dosh. This worship is in practice from time immemorial. Worship of snakes or ‘Nagaradhana’ finds mention in many Puranas.

Sarpa Samskara Puja

Sarpa Samskara Pooja is a powerful and potent remedial Puja Vidhi performed to please Nagadevatas (Serpent Gods) praying to remove the curse or malefic effects of killing the snakes or maiming them. Sarp Samskar Puja Vidhi is said to remove or reduce the impact of Sarpa Dosha.

According to the Hindu Sanatana Dharma scriptures and practices, anyone who knowingly or unknowingly killed a snake in the present or previous birth suffers from Sarpa Dosha in the horoscope. The direct effect of this Dosha is that the marriage may be delayed or may fail. A person suffering from Sarpa Dosha must perform this pooja to atone for his sin. You can seek our astrology service, where experts can study and explain the presence of Sarpa Dosha in the horoscope.

Online Puja & Homam Service:

Pureprayer offers online homam and puja services for devotees who cannot be present in-person at the pooja location. We perform all poojas and homas at any of our network of pooja mandirs, Kshetras and Homa Kuteeras. Our qualified vedic purohits will perform the pooja as per the prescribed procedures with a sankalpam. We can create a short video of the sankalpa along with the mantra chanting and sent to the devotee on WhatsApp. If the devotee prefers to remotely participate during the pooja or homam, we can connect with the purohits at pooja mandirs via a live video call using any of the video calling apps (WhatsApp, Zoom, Duo or Skype).

PurePrayer offers the best Vedic Pandits and Purohits to perform Naga Pratishthapana or Naga Pratishte in many Kshetras.

Frequently Asked Questions on Naga Pratishthapana

What is Nagaprathishte?

Naga Pratishte is commonly done in India to get rid of ‘Naga Dosha’, an Indian term that refers to issues connected with problems of fertility, child birth.

Why is Naga Pratishthapana suggested?

According to Indian jyothishya shastra (astrology), if any of our ancestors (elders) have knowingly or unknowingly harmed a serpent or snake or destroyed their abode while doing agriculture or building a home, it is bound to attract Sarpa Dosha in the kundali and affect entire family. Sarpa Dosha might manifest in the form of childlessness; not having children (Santana); children suffering from various ailments in their life and many others.

This is referred to as Naga Dosha or Sarpa Dosha in our Kundali.

Do we have to perform Nagara Pratishtha under ashwattha tree?

Naga Pratishthapana is generally performed under sacred trees like Ashwattha (Peepal), Aala (Banyan), Neem and others as mentioned in scriptures.

Is Naga Pratishthapan suggested for Sarp Dosh?

Naga Pratishthapan is suggested for many problems like Kaal Sarp Dosh, Rahu-Ketu Dosh, Sarpa Dosh, Santana Prapti (continuation of lineage), ailments related to eyes, ears and skin, financial difficulties leading to happy, peaceful and prosperous life.

When can we perform Naga Pratishthapana?

Naga Pratishthapana dates can be arrived at, in consultation with astrologers and Pandits of Kshetras. Our Astrologers suggest the date after proper examination of your horoscopes.

Where can we do nagara prathishte? Or Where can we perform Naga Pratishthe?

You can contact our Support team on deciding the Kshetras or Nagabanas for Naga Pratishthapana. Naga Pratishthapana can be performed, in consultation with astrologers and Pandits of Kshetras. Our Astrologers suggest the date after proper examination of your horoscopes.

Our Service Assurance

  • Pandit/Purohit services for all requirements in Bangalore performed by Gurukul certified Vedic scholars who can speak and communicate in your language like English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu etc
  • Expertise in Pujas, Homas, Pariharas, Rites and rituals, Shodash Samskars
  • Punctuality in delivering Purohit services

Our Service Includes

  • Selection of a place or a Kshetra for the ceremony
  • Selection of an appropriate Purohit (Iyer, Iyengar, Madhwa, Smartha etc) for the ceremony
  • Puja Samagri along with other arrangements at the venue
  • Multi-lingual Purohits
Naga Pratishtapana @ Teerth Kshetra

Naga Pratishtapana @ Gokarna, Naga Pratishtapana @ Rameshwaram, Naga Pratishtapana @ Udupi


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