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Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam | Kumbakonam | Udupi

Perform Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam with the best Vedic Pandit from PurePrayer to invoke Nakshatra Devatas, ensuring positivity and a better life

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ruled by Apas, the water deity, symbolizing purification and rejuvenation. Its governing planet is Venus, representing creativity, relationships, and material success. Performing Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam can help mitigate challenges, foster stability and prosperity.

Perform Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam at Kumbakonam or Udupi to get blessed with: 

  • Benevolence of Nakshatra Devata
  • Address Malefic Effects of Birth-Star
  • Education success
  • Financial stability
  • Success in Career
  • Good health and longevity


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Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam | Kumbakonam | Udupi

Perform Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam with the best Vedic Pandit from PurePrayer to invoke Nakshatra Devatas, ensuring positivity and a better life

For individuals born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, performing specific remedial pujas and homams can enhance growth, remove obstacles, and bring peace. The ruling deity of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is Apas, the water deity, symbolizing purification and rejuvenation. Its governing planet is Venus, representing creativity, relationships, and material success.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam: This homam invokes the blessings of Apas, helping to cleanse negative energies and promote emotional and spiritual well-being. It ensures clarity, prosperity, and harmony in life.

Additionally, performing Shukra Graha Shanti Homam (Venus Homam) is beneficial to appease Venus and mitigate any malefic effects. This homam enhances creativity, relationships, and material comforts.

Chanting the Purva Ashadha Nakshatra mantra regularly and offering prayers on Fridays (the day ruled by Venus) are also recommended. These practices help bring peace, success, and balance, aligning the native with positive energies.

What is Janma Nakshatra or Janma Nakshatram?

Vedic Indian Astrology has formulated a set of twenty seven (27) Nakshatras under which constellation we are all born. These are also called Janma Nakshatram or the Birth-Star, in whose house Lord Chandra (Moon God) occupied on that particular Thithi (Day). The Vedic Birth-Star List begins with star Ashwini and ends with Revati as the 27th Star.

When a child is born, based on the position of Moon and the prevalent Nakshatram, time of birth and place of birth, Janma Kundli or Jatakam is prepared. The star of the day (Thithi) becomes the Child’s Janma Nakshatram.

Those with Purva Ashadha Nakshtram as the Birth-Star are said to possess several unique properties related to mind and body, as revealed by Vedic Astrology. One can learn about the behavioural properties, their strength, their weaknesses, traits, suitable field of education, career and suitable partners in life, business, and several other important information.

How Do I learn that I am born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatram?

You are friendly, modest, and witty if you belong to this twentieth star of the Vedic zodiac belt.

Purva Ashada 1st, 2nd and 3rd padas belong to Dhanus Rashi (Sagittarius constellation)

Purva Ashadha 4th Pada belongs to Makar Rashi (Capricorn Constellation)

Popular Purva Ashada starrers – Geeta Dutt, Aishwarya Rai, Karisma Kapoor, Adolf Hitler, K R Narayanan, Ernest Hemingway, Dhirubai Ambani, Pranab Mukherjee,

What Should I know About Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Born People?

Purva Ashadha means “the early invincible one.” The Nakshatra is ruled by Apah, the Goddess of the water element. According to Vedic theology, Varuna and his consort Apah rule the world of waters and water beings. Purva Ashada is also known as Jala Nakshatra (meaning “the star of the waters”). People born under the Purva Ashada Nakshatra are friendly, helpful, and courageous.

You can Book for Samoohika Nakshatra Shanti Homam Here:


Strengths of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Born people

Modesty and dignity are the best friends of the natives of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra. They are wise people who are able to identify a problem and find strategic ways to get out of it. Not just that, they are flexible enough to change their strategy as they go. Purva Ashada starrers hold high values like courage, honesty, and integrity. They are quick to appreciate the goodness in the people around them and give due credit when it is deserved. The bearers of Purva Ashada Nakshatra also have a great sense of humour and are good leaders.

Weaknesses of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Born people

Natives of Purva Ashada Nakshatra are averse to criticism. They cannot handle others’ opinions if they do not suit them well. This makes them wear the robe of a dictator with a superiority complex. Purva Ashada Nakshatra holders sometimes end up being workaholics because they want to achieve perfection and never want to hear anything bad from others.

Why should I perform Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam?

Performing Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Homam helps to get the positive outcome of the Nakshatra that helps to improve the quality of life. There are 27 Nakshatras. All of us are born under the influence of different Nakshatras and depending on the Rashi. Nakshatra homam is performed to reduce the adverse effect (Doshas) of the Nakshatra.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homas are performed on the day Purva Ashadha Nakshatra occurs, as per the Hindu Almanac. Through this Nakshatra Shanti Homa, Pujas are offered to Vishve Devatas the Gods represented by Lord Varuna on your behalf, Nakshatra overlord, Ishta Devata (Favourite Deity), Kula Devata(Family Deity), Lord Shiva, Nava Grahas (The Nine Celestial Planets), and many others thus ushering positivity into all aspects of your life. Please contact our Support Team for details.

Performing the Nakshatra Shanti and Navagraha Shanti Pooja/ Homam is considered auspicious and highly recommended.

Perform Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Shanti Homam with best Vedic Pandit/Purohit from PurePrayer at Kumbakonam or Udupi seeking the blessings of Nakshatra Devatas.

We offer highly hygienic and sanitized Homa Kuteera or Kshetra destinations to choose for a safe and satisfactory puja. We can conduct the puja through a video call or perform puja at a Kshetra on your behalf and send you a video of the puja.

PurePrayer offers best Purohit Services all over India for your home and office Puja needs.

Frequently Asked Questions on Nakshatra Shanti Homam

How to find Star birthday? How to know Rashi and Nakshatra by birth?

Birth-Star referring to your Janma Nakshatram is mentioned in the Janma Patrika or Janma Kundli (Birth-Chart). If the Janma Kundli is not available, many online tools like Nakshatra Finder, Nakshatra Calculator may be used. If the details like ‘Date of Birth’, ‘Time of Birth’, ‘Place of Birth’ are not available, please consult our Astrology Services. 

When Should I perform Janma Nakshatra Shanti Homam?

Janma Nakshatra Shanti Homas are performed on the days of occurring Nakshatra dates as per the Hindu Panchangam. For the newborn, this is generally performed within 27 days from the day they are born.

Where Can I perform Janma Nakshatra Shanti Homam?

Generally, this homam is performed in the residence, convention halls, Teertha Kshetras or in temple premises.

How to perform Nakshatra Shanti Homam if my Birth-Star is not known?

If the Janma Kundli is not available, many online tools like Nakshatra Finder, Nakshatra Calculator may be used. If the details like Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Place of Birth are not available, please consult our Astrology Services.

Can I participate in Nakshatra Shanti Homam every month?

PurePrayer offers Nakshatra Shanti Homam every month.

Is there a subscription service to book for the entire year?

PurePrayer offers the subscription services for Nakshatra Shanti homam for individuals and the family that can be booked for the entire Hindu Samvatsaram year. Please feel free to contact our Support Team for any further information.

March 2025