Aghorastra Homam | Aghora Pashupatha Havan | Dwarapura | Gokarna | Kumbakonam | Udupi
PurePrayer provides best and highly meritorious Pandits for performing Aghorastra Homam or Aghora Pashupatha Havan and offers important Kshetras for performing the Homam or Havan. You can consult our astrologers for all your Puja needs and to plan the event well in advance. We offer highly hygienic and sanitized Homa Kuteera or Kshetra destinations to choose for a safe and satisfactory puja. We can conduct the puja through a video call or perform puja at a Kshetra on your behalf and send you a video of the puja.
PurePrayer offers best Pandits in Bangalore services for your home and office Puja needs.

Aghorastra Homam for Shiva’s blessings
Aghorastra Homam | Havan Importance
Lord Shiva has five forms which are Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha, and Eeshana. The Aghora Roopa (form) of Lord Shiva is the third face of the Lord depicting him as the Chief of all Bhoot Ganas. It signifies Agni Tattva or fire through which all negative energies are burnt away. These negative energies are destroyed when, Aghora Pashupatha Homam is performed.
Aghora Pashupatha Homam Benefits
There are many benefits of performing the Aghora Pasupatha Homam. Performing the Aghora Homam gives:
- Protection, strength and energy
- Victory in legal proceedings
- Removes all negative energies and protects from evil eye and evil forces
- Good health and positive energies
- Ensures harmony and spiritual growth by the grace of Lord Shiva
Why is Aghorastra Homam performed?
Aghorastra Homam is performed to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva in his form of Aghora Rudra and remove malefic effects of evil spirits, troubles caused by enemies and witchcraft. The Aghora Pashupatha Havan is performed for protection, reduce rivalry in business and work and for the upliftment of self.
Aghora Pashupatha Mantra
Following is the Aghora Pashupatha Mantra that needs to be chanted:
|| अघोराय नमस्तुभ्यम् घोरघोरतराय च |
| घोर मृत्यु विनाशाय अघोराय च ते नमः ||
|| ಅಘೋರಾಯ ನಮಸ್ತುಭ್ಯಮ್ ಘೋರಘೋರತರಾಯ ಚ |
| ಘೋರ ಮೃತ್ಯು ವಿನಾಶಾಯ ಅಘೋರಾಯ ಚ ತೇ ನಮಃ ||
|| Aghoraaya Namastubhyam Ghoraghorataraaya Cha |
| Ghora Mrityu Vinaashaaya Aghoraaya Cha Te Namah ||
Meaning of Aghora Pashupatha Mantra
Salutations to Aghora Rudra who helps the good, terror for the bad and who destroys even death.

Aghora Pashupata for eliminating evil eyes
Who should perform Aghorastra Homam or Aghora Pashupatha Havan?
Aghorastra Homam or Aghora Pashupatha Havan should be performed by those being affected by any kind of negativity and negative spirits. Homa should be performed by people who are seeking protection from evil eye, black magic, negative entities and negative spirits. This homa helps break the negative curse and negative spells.
Aghora Pashupata Havan protects the home and devotees from the haunting spirits, negative effects and evil spirits of all kinds.
Aghorastra Homam Samagri | Materials required for performing Aghora Pashupatha Havan at home
Aghorastra Homam Samagri List
- Turmeric powder (100gm)
- Kumkum (100gm)
- Rangoli Powders (White, Green, black colors)
- Betel leaves and betel nuts
- Coins
- Sandalwood (Chandanam) powder
- Kalash thread
- Raw rice
- Coconuts (10 No.)
- Plantain leaves (5 No.)
- Cotton wicks, camphor and incense sticks
- Sesame oil, ghee,
- Honey
- Jaggery
- Dried coconut (Kopra)
- Puffed paddy
- Rose water
- Fruits five different varieties
- Black Til (Sesame seeds)
- White Til (Sesame seeds)
- Vibhuti
- Dry fruits
- Tender coconut (Five No.)
- Milk (500ml)
Other Aghora Pashupatha Homam Materials from Home
Havan Kit
Havan Kund, Til (Black), Til (White), Havan Samagri, Kali Urad, Yellow Mustard, Guggul, Sticks, Samidha Bundle, Navagraha Samith, Cow Dung Cakes, Abeer, Jau, Ghee, Kusha grass bundle, Matchbox, Lotus Seeds, Agar, Jatamansi, Shuchi, Shruva and Dron.
Mixed Flowers, Durva, Tulsi, Bel Patra, Rose, Veni, Garlands, Paan Leaves, Mango Leaves
Puja Utensils
Copper Kalash, Copper Plates, Panchpatra Set, Akhand Diya, Thali, Brass Bowls, Cloth (Red, Yellow, Green, Black, White, Pink), Dhoti, Saree, Colors (Red, Green, Black, Yellow), Panch Aarti, Ghanta (Bell), Agarbatti Stand, Dhoop Stand and Abhishek Pot.
Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey, Sugar/Jaggery

Aghora Pashupatha Havan to remove negative energies
Aghora Pashupatha Homam includes
Kalash Sthapana, Panchang Sthapana (Gauri Ganesh, Shodash Matrika, Punyaha vachan, Sarvotabhadra, Navagraha), Kshetrapal Pujan, 64 yogini Pujan, Sankalpa, Swasti Vaachan, Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek, Navgraha Pujan and 108 chants of each planetary mantra, Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash, Rudra Kalash Pujan, Rudra Abhisheka, with Sadyojata, Vaamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurash, Eeshana Mantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Japa 1100 times, Shri Rudram Chamakam recitation, Aghora Pashupatha mantra Japa and Aarti.
Aghora Homam – 11000 Chants
No. of Pandit for Aghora Homam – 5
Duration – 1 day
Aghora Homam – 21000 Chants
No. of Pandit for Aghora Homam – 8
Duration – 1 day
Aghora Homam – 51000 Chants
No. of Pandit for Aghora Homam – 8
Duration – 3 days
Aghora Homam – 125000 Chants
No. of Pandit for Aghora Homam – 12
Duration – 4 days
Devotees will receive Prasad. The priests from Pure Prayer will perform the Aghora Pashupatha Homam as per Vedic rituals based on birth details of the client. Devotees are required to provide the details (name, date, place, time). Sankalp (your wish) will be carried out before performing Aghorastra Homam or Havan. This is an individual Puja which can be done in the devotees’ name or devotees may include names of family members and their near and dear ones in the Puja.
Kshetras for performing Aghorastra Homam
Aghorastra Homam | Gokarna Kshetra
Performing Aghorastra Homam or Aghora Pashupatha Havan in Gokarna Kshetra can be highly effective due to the presence of Atmalinga of Lord Shiva.
Gokarna Kshetra is a beach-town in the confluence of rivers Gangavalli and Aghanashini in the Kumta taluk of Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka State. This also known as the Bhu-Kailasa, Southern Kashi and Rudrapada-Gaya of India. Gokarna has been a popular destination for performing Pujas and Homas and said to be very effective in nature.
Lord Shiva consecrated by Lord Ganapati here was the Atmalinga given to the demon king Ravan and is popularly known as Mahabaleshwara. The main deity in Mahabaleshwar temple in Gokarna kshetra is Lord Shiva.
Aghorastra Havan at Trimbakeshwar Kshetra
Perform Aghorastra Homam or Aghora Pashupatha Havan in Trimbakeshwar Kshetra of Nashik to get the maximum benefits of Jyotirlinga Kshetra.
Trimbakeshwar is a very ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and is among the Dwadash Jyotirlings in India. This temple is located about 28 km from Nashik (Nasik meaning nose) and about 117 km from Shirdi, in the State of Maharashtra.

Aghora Pashupatha Havan (Homam) for peace and harmony
Frequently Asked Questions on Aghorastra Homam
Why is Aghorastra Homam performed?
Aghora Pashupatha Homam is performed to destroy negative energies, for protection against evil eye and evil spirits. It helps to protect from black magic and dark spells. The homa purifies the area and restores positive energy and health.
Which day is good for performing the Homam?
The best days to perform Aghora Homam are Mahashivratri, 9 days after Mahashivratri, the first Saturday after Mahashivratri and any day recommended by the priest.
When should the Homam be performed?
The best time to perform Aghora Homam is during Kartika Masa occurring in October or November.
Our Service Assurance
Pureprayer offers puja and homam services, both in the ashrams and locations of your choice, performed by Vedic scholars who can speak multiple languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada etc. Aghora homa can be performed at your location by scholarly priests from Gokarna.
Service Includes
- Astrology support to help devotees with puja, homam and parihara related queries
- Arrange a call with our Purohits and Guruji at the ashram to address queries related to the puja rituals
- All puja samagri (materials)
- Transfer from devotee location to Kshetras and local transportation in AC vehicles
- Transparent puja pricing and explanation of procedures
- Booking of Budget or Luxury accommodation at location
- Sattvik food
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